BrlA, abaA and wetA are pivotal regulators of conidiophore development and conidium maturation (PubMed:8508769, PubMed:5366214, PubMed:2823119, PubMed:2655931, PubMed:2196567,PubMed:7704830). They act individually and together to regulate their own expression and that of numerous other sporulation-specific genes (PubMed:2823119, PubMed:2655931, PubMed:2108321). Binds promoters of target genes at brlA response elements (BREs) containing the conserved sequence 5'-(C/A)(A/G)AGGG(G/A)-3' (PubMed:8417986). Controls the expression of the conidiophore-specific phenol oxidase ivoB (PubMed:1901560). Controls the expression of the hydrophobin rodA (PubMed:2065971). Mediates the developmental switch from the indeterminate, apical growth pattern of vegetative cells to the budding growth pattern of conidiophores (PubMed:3293800). Expression of brlA leads to activation of abaA, wetA and stuA, cessation of vegetative growth, cellular vacuolization and spore formation.