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Protein expression services for TAF3 | Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 3

Functions as a component of the DNA-binding general transcription factor complex TFIID. Binding of TFIID to a promoter (with or without TATA element) is the initial step in pre-initiation complex (PIC) formation. TFIID plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression by RNA polymerase II through different activities such as transcription activator interaction, core promoter recognition and selectivity, TFIIA and TFIIB interaction, chromatin modification (histone acetylation by TAF1), facilitation of DNA opening and initiation of transcription.
Belongs to the TAF3 family.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
353 amino acids
40.3 kDa
Simulated SDS-PAGE
Western blot of TAF3 recombinant protein(Note: Representative image - actual molecular weight may vary depending on tag type and expression method)
Upon ordering, we will perform rigorous biosecurity and export control screening to ensure that order fulfillment is consistent with all legal and regulatory guidance.
Protein synthesis service
Make TAF3 using our protein expression services starting at $99 + $.30/amino acid in as fast as two weeks (includes the cost of DNA synthesis)

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