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Protein expression services for Snx1 | Sorting nexin-1

Involved in several stages of intracellular trafficking. Interacts with membranes containing phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3P)) or phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,5)P2). Acts in part as component of the retromer membrane-deforming SNX-BAR subcomplex. The SNX-BAR retromer mediates retrograde transport of cargo proteins from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and is involved in endosome-to-plasma membrane transport for cargo protein recycling. The SNX-BAR subcomplex functions to deform the donor membrane into a tubular profile called endosome-to-TGN transport carrier (ETC). Can sense membrane curvature and has in vitro vesicle-to-membrane remodeling activity. Involved in retrograde endosome-to-TGN transport of lysosomal enzyme receptors (IGF2R, M6PR and SORT1). Plays a role in targeting ligand-activated EGFR to the lysosomes for degradation after endocytosis from the cell surface and release from the Golgi. Involvement in retromer-independent endocytic trafficking of P2RY1 and lysosomal degradation of protease-activated receptor-1/F2R. Promotes KALRN- and RHOG-dependent but retromer-independent membrane remodeling such as lamellipodium formation; the function is dependent on GEF activity of KALRN. Required for endocytosis of DRD5 upon agonist stimulation but not for basal receptor trafficking (By similarity).
Belongs to the sorting nexin family.
Mus musculus
522 amino acids
59 kDa
Simulated SDS-PAGE
Western blot of Snx1 recombinant protein(Note: Representative image - actual molecular weight may vary depending on tag type and expression method)
Upon ordering, we will perform rigorous biosecurity and export control screening to ensure that order fulfillment is consistent with all legal and regulatory guidance.
Protein synthesis service
Make Snx1 using our protein expression services starting at $99 + $.30/amino acid in as fast as two weeks (includes the cost of DNA synthesis)

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