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Protein expression services for ltmC | Prenyltransferase ltmC

Prenyltransferase; part of the gene cluster that mediates the biosynthesis of lolitrems, indole-diterpene mycotoxins that are potent tremorgens in mammals, and are synthesized by clavicipitaceous fungal endophytes in association with their grass hosts (PubMed:16765617). The geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) synthase ltmG is proposed to catalyze the first step in lolitrem biosynthesis (PubMed:16765617, PubMed:15991026). LtmG catalyzes a series of iterative condensations of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) with dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP), geranyl diphosphate (GPP), and farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), to form GGPP (PubMed:16765617, PubMed:15991026). GGPP then condenses with indole-3-glycerol phosphate to form 3-geranylgeranylindole, an acyclic intermediate, to be incorporated into paxilline (PubMed:16765617). Either ltmG or ltmC could be responsible for this step, as both are putative prenyl transferases (PubMed:16765617). The FAD-dependent monooxygenase ltmM then catalyzes the epoxidation of the two terminal alkenes of the geranylgeranyl moiety, which is subsequently cyclized by ltmC, to paspaline (PubMed:16765617, PubMed:15991026). The cytochrome P450 monooxygenases ltmQ and ltmP can sequentially oxidize paspaline to terpendole E and terpendole F (PubMed:22750140). Alternatively, ltmP converts paspaline to an intermediate which is oxidized by ltmQ to terpendole F (PubMed:22750140). LtmF, ltmK, ltmE and ltmJ appear to be unique to the epichloe endophytes (PubMed:16765617, PubMed:15991026). The prenyltransferase ltmF is involved in the 27-hydroxyl-O-prenylation (PubMed:22750140). The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase ltmK is required for the oxidative acetal ring formation (PubMed:22750140). The multi-functional prenyltransferase ltmE is required for C20- and C21-prenylations of the indole ring of paspalanes and acts together with the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase ltmJ to yield lolitremanes by multiple oxidations and ring closures (PubMed:22750140). The stereoisomer pairs of lolitriol and lolitrem N or lolitrem B and lolitrem F may be attributed to variations in the way in which ring closure can occur under the action of ltmJ (PubMed:22750140). While the major product of this pathway is lolitrem B, the prenyl transferases and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases identified in this pathway have a remarkable versatility in their regio- and stereo-specificities to generate a diverse range of metabolites that are products of a metabolic grid rather than a linear pathway (PubMed:22750140).
Belongs to the FPP/GGPP synthase family.
Epichloe festucae var. lolii
345 amino acids
39 kDa
Simulated SDS-PAGE
Western blot of ltmC recombinant protein(Note: Representative image - actual molecular weight may vary depending on tag type and expression method)
Upon ordering, we will perform rigorous biosecurity and export control screening to ensure that order fulfillment is consistent with all legal and regulatory guidance.
Protein synthesis service
Make ltmC using our protein expression services starting at $99 + $.30/amino acid in as fast as two weeks (includes the cost of DNA synthesis)

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