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Protein expression services for sidH | Mevalonyl-coenzyme A hydratase sidH

Mevalonyl-coenzyme A hydratase; part of the siderophore biosynthetic pathway (PubMed:22106303). Aspergillus fumigatus produces 4 types of siderophores, low-molecular-mass iron chelators, including excreted fusarinine C (FsC) and triacetylfusarinine C (TAFC) for iron uptake and intacellular ferricrocin (FC) for hyphal and hydroxyferricrocin (HFC) for conidial iron distribution and storage. TAFC consists of 3 N(2)-acetyl-N(5)-anhydromevalonyl-N(5)-hydroxyornithine residues cyclically linked by ester bonds; FC is a cyclic hexapeptide with the structure Gly-Ser-Gly-(N(5)-acetyl-N(5)-hydroxyornithine)x3. The biosynthesis of all four siderophores depends on the hydroxylation of ornithine, catalyzed by the monooxygenase sidA (PubMed:15504822, PubMed:16113265). Subsequently, the pathways for biosynthesis of extra- and intracellular siderophores split (PubMed:17845073). For biosynthesis of extracellular siderophores, the transacylase sidF transfers anhydromevalonyl to N(5)-hydroxyornithine (PubMed:17845073). The required anhydromevalonyl-CoA moiety is derived from mevalonate by CoA ligation and dehydration catalyzed by sidI and sidH respectively (PubMed:22106303). The acetylation of N(5)-hydroxyornithine for FC biosynthesis involves the constitutively expressed sidL (PubMed:21622789). FC is hydroxylated to HFC by an as yet uncharacterized enzyme during conidiation (PubMed:17845073). Assembly of fusarinine C (FsC) and FC is catalyzed by two different nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS), sidD and sidC respectively (PubMed:17845073). Subsequently, sidG catalyzes N2-acetylation of FsC for forming TAFC (PubMed:17845073). Both extra- and intracellular siderophores are crucial for growth during iron limitation and virulence (PubMed:16113265).
Belongs to the enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase family.
Neosartorya fumigata (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / Af293 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100)
270 amino acids
29.3 kDa
Simulated SDS-PAGE
Western blot of sidH recombinant protein(Note: Representative image - actual molecular weight may vary depending on tag type and expression method)
Upon ordering, we will perform rigorous biosecurity and export control screening to ensure that order fulfillment is consistent with all legal and regulatory guidance.
Protein synthesis service
Make sidH using our protein expression services starting at $99 + $.30/amino acid in as fast as two weeks (includes the cost of DNA synthesis)

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