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Protein expression services for Kat8 | Histone acetyltransferase KAT8

Histone acetyltransferase which may be involved in transcriptional activation. May influence the function of ATM. As part of the MSL complex it is involved in acetylation of nucleosomal histone H4 producing specifically H4K16ac. As part of the NSL complex it may be involved in acetylation of nucleosomal histone H4 on several lysine residues. That activity is less specific than the one of the MSL complex. Can also acetylate TP53/p53 at 'Lys-120'.
Belongs to the MYST (SAS/MOZ) family.
Rattus norvegicus
458 amino acids
52.6 kDa
Simulated SDS-PAGE
Western blot of Kat8 recombinant protein(Note: Representative image - actual molecular weight may vary depending on tag type and expression method)
Upon ordering, we will perform rigorous biosecurity and export control screening to ensure that order fulfillment is consistent with all legal and regulatory guidance.
Protein synthesis service
Make Kat8 using our protein expression services starting at $99 + $.30/amino acid in as fast as two weeks (includes the cost of DNA synthesis)

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